A large part of my free time is applied to learning and honing my programming skills. As a software developer, it is important to continue to practice your skills by working on personal projects.
Not only do you grasp the concepts of the languages you are using, but gain expertise in problem solving. This is an essential skill you need if you want to become a successful developer.
Some of the personal projects I have worked on are:
- Building a Personal Website (this one!)
- Building Websites
- Web Scrapers, AI Image Generators, NPM Packages, etc.

You know what they say, you are a true Canadian if you love hockey! Well, I am a big fan of it and love cheering on the beloved home town, Toronto Maple Leafs! Never easy being a Leafs fan, but with a young promising core I believe the Leafs will win the Stanley Cup, God willing.
The night when the Maple Leaf captain raises the cup and with chants of No more 1967!, that will be an iconic moment to remember! :)

A beautiful, mind-challenging game. Chess has always been an instant classic. From risky gambits to total domination, it is one of my favourite games to play during my spare time.
Below, you will find a few games I have compiled over the years. You can view my profile stats by visiting my Lichess Profile.
Knight Signature: Smothered Mate
A rare checkmating sequence. A sneaky double check and a queen sac smothers the king and a lone knight wins the game!
A Queen Sac for the Win
Often times, it matters how well your pieces are positioned, not your lead in material. An opera mate is hidden, can you spot it?
Every Little Bit Helps
This game reminds me of race against time. Even the smallest of pieces (pawns) can be very helpful! Again, positioning is key :)